Technical Support Form

Report a product fault or technical issue by filling out the following form for our tech support team.

Please include as much detail as possible so our team can determine whether the problem can be solved, if the product will need to be replaced and if it is covered under our warranty replacement policy.

Customer Information

Faulty Item Identification

Should be 16 characters eg. 0801151108151545

System / Installation Details

Standard install depicts the probe end no more than 3cm from the surface of the soil.
E.g. sand, clay etc.
Power Supply
Power supply has been checked

*Recommended operating voltage: 7V to 16VDC. Minimum operating voltage 6VDC **

Power supply is within SDI-12 specs

Fault Description

For the fastest possible processing time, please describe the faults observed and situational information in as much detail as possible.  Upload all relevant logging data & screen captures at the highest resolution available.

Please attach a log file and screenshots (with scale) for at least 1 month around when the issue occurred. Include all available data. ie moisture, temperature, salinity, telemetry battery state, irrigation events, rainfall events, etc.

Returning Goods

If you have a problem with an EnviroPro® soil moisture probe please follow the steps below:

1. If you have a USB to SDI-12 interface or your logging equipment supports transparent SDI-12 commands, use the “I” command to read the probe model and serial number.

2. Complete the above form and return to your distributor.

3. The details you provide will be used to make an initial assessment of the fault.

4. You will be allocated a Return Merchandise Authorisation (RMA) Number to the claim and provided a copy of your return form with RMA number via email.

5. Pack the probe and a copy of the form and send to

Unit 4 / 8 Aristotle Close,

Golden Grove SA 5091


6. The probe will be assessed and if the fault is due to a firmware or configuration issue, the probe will be repaired and returned to you. If the probe has a hardware fault you will be sent a replacement (Entelechy to cover the return freight).

7. If a fault can not be found, you will be contacted for further information. In the event that the fault still cannot be found, the probe will be returned to you and you will be liable for the return freight costs.

8. The warranty does not cover mechanical damage, damage inflicted during probe installation or removal or damage caused by animals.